Linda Rooks – Author
Linda Rooks has traveled many roads, but one of her favorite journeys has been her path through motherhood. After the birth of five grandchildren over a two-year period, she has now become thoroughly enraptured with her new role as Nana. Some of her favorite activities have included sitting on the floor to build castles with Legos and blocks, juggling a lapful of children while reading a book, and doling out popsicles and juice.
As an author and a former middle school English teacher, Linda has had a lifelong love for children’s books. Her involvement with children has included teaching Sunday school and creating curriculum for preschoolers, working in Middle School ministry, heading up a family ministry at the mega church she attends, and participating as a co-op mother when her children were small. It is a pleasure to add The Bunny Side of Easter to the array of Easter picture books for children that have been collected through the years.
Linda W. Rooks is the award winning author of Fighting for Your Marriage while Separated, A Practical Guide for the Brokenhearted and Broken Heart on Hold, Surviving Separation. She has published stories and articles in a number of national magazines including a couple of Chicken Soup books, Focus on the Family, Today’s Christian Woman, HomeLife, Light and Life, The Lookout, the Orlando Sentinel, Grace Centered Magazine, Assist News Service, Catholic Forester, Preserving Christian Homes, and San Diego Family Magazine. Linda was a regular contributor to Tapestry, a Walk Thru the Bible magazine for women for 12 years, and is a contributing author to Love is a Verb by Gary Chapman and Bethany House’s Angels, Miracles, and Heavenly Encounters. For eight years Linda served in various editorial positions for Center Stage Magazine, a Central Florida Arts and Entertainment publication.
Linda has a Bachelors Degree in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University, is listed in Who’s Who of American Women, Who’s Who in America, and Who’s Who in the World. She and her husband are Resource Members of the Association of Marriage and Family Ministries (AMFM) and lead a marriage reconciliation support group at their church. Linda is a member of Advanced Writers and Speaker’s Association (AWSA), American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), and is a founding member of Word Weavers International. She has appeared as a guest many times on TV and radio talk shows throughout the North American continent.
Linda and her husband Marv now live in Maitland, Florida, have two married daughters, and five grandchildren. Her husband Marv is an assistant professor at Barry University School of Law.
Contact Linda Rooks Follow Linda Rooks on Twitter
Marilee Harrald-Pilz- Illustrator
Marilee Harrald-Pilz has been a freelance illustrator for over 25 years, working in pencil, pen and ink and watercolor. She has illustrated everything from kid’s magazines, educational materials, giftware packaging, greeting cards and children’s picture books.
Some of her clients in publishing include Highlights for Children, Scholastic, Houghton Mifflin, Kane Press, and Harper Collins UK. She is presently working on writing and illustrating her own picture books. She and her husband live near Chicago.
To view additional illustrations visit Marilee’s website at
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